Monday, May 21, 2012

The Burning Soul: John Connelly

This one wasn't nearly as exciting as Connelly's past novels.  PI, Charlie Parker is an extremely interesting character, and in The White Road, Every Dead Thing, and several previous novels, I couldn't sleep at night for page turning.  This one became a bit predictable.  Of course, Angel and Louis show up to save him-as usual.  Of course, the notorious bad boys arrive to guard his client.  There a few interesting twists and that makes it worth reading, but only just.

The story revolves around a man who has a prior history of child killing.  He's now being framed for a new child's abduction.  The town is primitive.  The Chief of  Police is a pedophile.  Although it all gets wrapped up nicely in the end, which is true to Connelly, it could have been longer and had a bit more of Parker's personality.  In earlier books of Connelly's, the gloves come off and there are all kinds of mind games and disturbing details of murder and mayhem.  This one just sort of carried on until it ended.  A bit ho-hum. 

The good news is that I'm currently in a completely different novel of Connelly's not in this series.  The Book of Lost Things.  I'll report on it later, but as of now, it's fantastic!

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